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Pentonville 1:48 Sun Dec 12
24 hours of positiveness
So today I demanded my wife give me that
It was impossible.
So the thing with socal media is this. It kills you.
Go to your neighbour. Go to the man on the street. They ain't where you are and will save you. I'm too proud to do that now.

Guys give me a legacy. The legacy is learn to love and cuddle. It feels overwhelming. I didn't do it enough xxxx

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Block 3:32 Tue Dec 14
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Not today i've not. messaged him without reply

FrancoisVanDerElst 3:29 Tue Dec 14
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Has anyone heard from him?

ChesterRd 12:47 Tue Dec 14
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Focus on the people who need our attention not those seeking it.

Pentonville, if you are reading this, please let Block or anyone else on here you know, that you are OK please.

zebthecat 12:46 Tue Dec 14
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Glad you are still here Pentonville.
Having come out the other side (if you are not getting any treatment call Time to Talk. It is is free and it worked for me).
There are many days when you will feel shit but just remember that it will pass, don't overthink, they are only thoughts and not reality (which is difficult but recognise it) and accept that it is just a crap day.
Try and think of something that you used to like to do and do it. Just give it 15 minutes and see how you go. If you really can't face or give up that is no problem; just give it a go again or think of something else.

jfk 12:28 Tue Dec 14
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Mike Oxsaw 8:03 Mon Dec 13
It takes more than the likes of meat curtains to get me flapping but appreciate you sentiments.
What I do for a living fools and pisstakers are the difference between doing alright or doing your bollocks they get fucked off sharpish.
It’s in my interest to sack anyone who’s a work shy ponce.not something a pissed up 20 stone Russian wants to hear on a Monday morning.
The likes of meat curtains or no mates whoever the fucker is don’t get me flapping one bit, just very disappointed there are cunts on here who take pleasure in being nasty scumbags to a fella who I take to be clearly bang in trouble.

gph 11:42 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Pentonville, you'd really be missed. On here, let alone by those close to you.

13 Brentford Rd 11:27 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Anyone who knows Pentonville heard anything?
Never met the fella but he's been on my mind all day.

Stepney.Ammer 10:48 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Pentoville - stay strong and you can ride this wave out

Block 11:59 Mon Dec 13

Have you double checked it isn't reflux that your little one has?

My little girl had a chronic cough / mucas, didn't keep her food down and hardly slept for well over a year. Plenty of trips to the doctors but to no avail. Finally , someone mentioned reflux and within days of taking medice for it she was a different child.

ray winstone 10:28 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
slartibartfast 10:25 Mon Dec 13

slartibartfast 10:25 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
pentonville, if you're reading this. I don't know you mate but take care of yourself, lay off the booze for a bit, it really don't help you to get your thoughts straight. Do a bit of exercise in the morning if you can, it really makes a big difference. I speak from experience.

All the best mate, please do take care of yourself and seek help, there's no shame in giving a mate a buzz or calling your doctor.


Fortunes Hiding 10:13 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness

Mace66 10:10 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness

collyrob 5:40 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
I thought penton, normannomates & hairy spotter were the same person. Are they not 😂

I thought Pentonville was Peckham or normannomates.

This place gets more confusing by the day

Mike Oxsaw 8:03 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
jfk 7:42 Mon Dec 13

He'll be knocking one out now over the thought of you flapping about in his keep-net.

jfk 7:42 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Mattie Mulshun 4:02 Mon Dec 13
Listen you prick,all I’ve done is post a message worried /concerned about pentonvilles well being.
Don’t threaten me,you fucking wanker.
Some of the comment on here takes an exceptional cunt to say. shame it’s more than one.something should be done to rid the rot.
It’s not typical and goes completely against the grain

twoleftfeet 7:11 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness

I have just got Mattie Mulshans site name.

Matt Emulsion

Very good.

As you were.

collyrob 5:40 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
I thought penton, normannomates & hairy spotter were the same person. Are they not 😂

Block 5:29 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
* particularly on a thread where the person who started it is clearly having serious trouble at the moment.

Block 5:28 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Mattie, you seem like the sort of person to kick a bloke when he's down as well, as you've made silly comments on the anxiety thread.

No one is suggesting not to speak your mind, but sometimes, on the odd occasion it's best if you don't have anything nice to say, don't.

mr blue sky 5:27 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Normannomates is a fucking bellend and not wanted and Mulshun don’t start telling us how hard he is
He’s a fucking coward who sends WHOmails in the middle of the night threatening ppl
So I’m calling him out he is a pissed up old wanker and while we are at it you can fuck off as well

Mr Anon 5:22 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Mattie Mulshun 4:02 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness.

bit moronic to suggest in one paragraph anything goes and people should have thicker skin, then in the very next paragraph suggest people deserve physical violence for daring to criticise someone.

Mike Oxsaw 4:19 Mon Dec 13
Re: 24 hours of positiveness
Mattie Mulshun 4:02 Mon Dec 13

It saddens me that such a question/opinion is even raised on here - a West Ham site - over such matters.

OK, if it's subject you can't handle, seek advice, don't stamp around all "I've got every right to say what I want, when I want, where I want" on every thread: none - I repeat NONE - of your rights are being infringed, challenged or taken away by people asking you to show (your fellow West Ham fans) a little respect.

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